In the world of smoking and vaporizing, an ‘O’ (and its plural ‘O’s) is basically a ring shaped smoke or vapor that you blow out while exhaling. It is the same phenomenon in case of hookah. You can blow Os irrespective of the type of hookah and flavor of shisha. You can blow Os with blended flavors or a homemade combination of different shishas. Neither the hookah nor the shishas has anything to do with how to blow the best Os.
The Fundamentals of Blowing Os
Smoke or vapor takes the shape of a ring or O when an outlet facilitates such a formation. When you are smoking a hookah , it is your mouth that must facilitate this transformation. The windpipe and the throat are tubular, so they are natural facilitators and you do not have to do much in regards to those parts of human anatomy. What you have to work on is your mouth, especially the shape and alignment of your lips and tongue when you are exhaling or blowing out the smoke.
Your mouth should basically emulate the shape of a ring. The lips should make a round shape so the smoke being exhale or blown out takes the form of an O. However, you should not purse your lips to make a small round ring, and you should avoid making a large O. The round shape of your lips should be medium sized. Else, you will have a problem of either too much smoke or too little vapor. Too much smoke will be thrust out faster, and hence it will not form the ring. Too little smoke will prevent the formation of the ring in the first place. There should be enough vapors blown out at a time through a medium sized opening of your mouth to form a proper O.
The tongue does play a role as well. You cannot allow your tongue to become an obstacle as you exhale the smoke through your windpipe, throat and out of your mouth. If the tongue is raised or it flickers as you exhale, then the ring will be broken as it is being made inside your mouth. The ring is not made outside. It forms inside your mouth and takes a nice O shape as it leaves your lips. The lips effectively consolidate the formation of the ring of smoke inside your mouth.
The Actual Act of Blowing the Best Os
You cannot blow rings if you do not inhale the smoke. Some smokers, especially those who are just beginning their sojourn with hookah and shishas, tend to just take a puff and then they blow out the smoke. They do not inhale the smoke. If you are not inhaling the smoke, it will not form rings or Os as you blow out. It is the inhaled smoke that forms rings as it is exhaled through the windpipe, throat, mouth, and then out of the O shaped lips.
The second requirement is the action of slow or intermittent coughing out. You cannot blow out a lot of smoke and expect to have plenty of rings. Each ring or O requires a mild thrust of exhalation. In other words, you inhale some vapor, take it into your lungs, and then sporadically cough to only let out a small quantity of smoke every time. You keep up with this intermittent but continuous coughing and blowing the inhaled smoke out through your rounded or ringed lips, without letting the tongue in the way. This will lead to a series of rings or Os as you completely exhale the inhaled smoke or vapor. It may sound to be easier said than done, but once you get a hang of it, the actual act of blowing Os becomes rather simple and a matter of routine.
Pro Tips on How to Blow the Best Os
Don’t expect to blow Os in a windy setting. Whether inside or outside, if there is some source of wind or breeze, then your rings will burst or break at the very moment they leave your mouth. In some cases, the rings will not form in your mouth to begin with. One of the prerequisites of how to blow the best Os is a room that does not have any interference of wind or breeze, certainly not a fan and not even the airflow of an air conditioner or heater. Also, try to practice initially when you are in the middle of a hookah session. This phase produces the maximum vapor for every puff and there is little chance of choking due to burnt charcoal or flavor.